martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Life for non-Muslims in Islamic Spain

Read the section "LIFE FOR NON-MUSLIMS IN ISLAMIC SPAIN" and take note of what you think are the most important freedoms and restrictions. Then, compare your answers as a class:

Follow this link: Life for non-Muslims

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Euro Atlas

Here you can practise the relief, waters and even countries of Europe with this interactive map:

Follor this link: Europe Atlas

Enrique Alonso's Flash Maps

With the help of Enrique Alonso's Flash Maps you can practice you cartographic knowledge during the whole year.

You can follow this link: Mapas Interactivos de Enrique Alonso

Al-Andalus: Muslims or Moors?

Read this article about al-Andalus. What other word for Muslim is used? What is the problem with the word "Moor"?

Follow this link: Al-Andalus

The Great Mosque of Córdoba

Some videos about the Great Mosque of Cordoba:

A 3D reconstruction:

Uyammad family tree

Look at the Uyammad family tree where we can find Muhammad and also his relation to the Spanish caliphates.

The city of Damascus

Here you can browse this photo gallery and have an idea of what the city of Damascus is like today, and the buildings that remain from the Umayyad Caliphate:

History through Biographies

We are going to work on biographies of some of the most important historical figures. We will make a digital of book of biographies from the period we are studying this course (1700-present).

And here an example of Hitler's biography:

We will add our biographies to make up a biographies book, using the digital tool Càlameo:

We can find information aboout our biographies in different sources: books, encyclopaedias and also some useful websites as follow:

How Comment and Historical Text

Metodology that we will follow to comment and historical text:

122860538 to Comment an Historical Text by Pedro Flores

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Introduction to the MIDDLE AGES

Introductory video (animated timeline) showed in class about the MIDDLE AGES, the period of 1000 years that we are going to study during these months:

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


 Presentation UNIT 1. OUR PLANET EARTH

The seasons

The tilted axis of the Earth causes variations in the duration of days, nights and seasons:

Rotation and revolution (rotación y traslación)

The Earth's rotation movement:

The Earth's revolution movement:

Planets in our Solar System

Short video that shows the Planets in the Solar System

Welcome to the "Social Sciences Blog"!

Welcome to Social Sciences Blog at IES Francisco de Quevedo (Madrid). I'm Pedro, your teacher, and I will post here contents that we are going to see in class. I hope you enjoy your classes!
