domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

The life of a raindrop

Watch this animation of the water cycle from the point of view of a single raindrop. Then, answer these questions:
1. What powers the water cycle? WHat is the name given to the process of water turning into a gas?
2. Are all clouds the same? What do their shapes depend on?
3. What do fog and mist have in common with the clouds in the sky?

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014


Read this article about gargoyles:
1. What was the original purpose of gargoyles?
2. What was their function in medieval buildings?

Gothic Gargoyles

Romanesque and Gothic architecture

Watch this video comparing Romanesque and Gothic architecture:
1. What differences are mentioned?
2. Where was the Gothic style born?
3. What was the religious significance of light?

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Medieval city workers!

Read this explanation of medieval artisans and answer these questions:
- What two main groups can artisans be divided into?
- Make note of the different guilds and jobs we can find in a medieval city. What do each of them produce?

Medieval guilds

The Restoration and the Schönbrunn Palace

Take a virtual tour of Schönbrunn Palace, the palace where many meetings of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 were held. The main representatives of the European power who defeated Napoleon met here in order to reorganize the European map. Look for more information about them:
o Metternich for Austria.
o Castlereagh for Great Britain.
o Tsar Alexander I of Russia.
o Talleyrand for France.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Medieval city tour!

Watch this video tour of a medieval city and note down all the important features as they appear:

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Inside North Korea

Watch the following videos and, please, answer these questions about the political regime of North Korea: 1. What type of state is this? Explain your answer. 2. Do you think are there democratic elections? 3. What is the intention of that enormous parade? 4. Why are all these people crying? How are they feeling? 5. Do you think North Korea is a good tourist destination? 6. What do visitors see in North Korea? What could we find behind the scenes? 7. Look for a night satellite view of the Korean Peninsula. Describe what you see and the reasons.

North Korea's regime

North Corean Parade:

Kim Jong-il Funeral: