miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

The Cold War

Remember what we said in class. It's very important for the next to know:
- What is the Cold War and its characteristics.
- Main events like the Cuban missile crisis
- Causes of the end of the Cold War.

The Roman Empire in 5 minutes

El Imperio Romano en 5 minutos from Jorge Molina Lamothe on Vimeo.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

The Greek Gods

Pick a God or Goddess and write a short essay about them. Don't forget to draw a picture!

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Egypt: the gift of the Nile

An aerial tour showing the route of the river Nile from the Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Unit 8. Prehistory

Never trust maps!

Here it's a video showing how it's impossible to represent a sphere (The Earth) on a flat map. So, remember that ALL MAPS LIE!

The First World War in movies

Here are some examples of the IWW in some movies like:

All quiet in the Western Front (Sin novedad en el frente) 1979:

War Horse (Caballo de batalla) 2011:

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Unit 7. The Catholic Monarchs

Unit 6. The birth of the Modern world

Introduction to the Modern Age

Unit 6. Imperialism

Spanish Renaissance Art

Magellan's Expedition

Watch this video to know more detail's about circumnavigation voyage.

Art Work Commentary Example: David by Michelangelo

Renaissance Art

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Cold in USA... again!

Extensive Farming in USA

I have found a good deal online. This ranch is for sale in Colorado for a very reasonable price:

Powerful Medicis

In the 15th century, the new social class, the bourgeoisie, became very influential. Some bankers became very powerful,, like the Medici family. Watch this video to know some more:

domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

Charles IV of Spain by Héctor Martínez (4º A)

Good job!


RTVE, the Spanish Public RadioTelevision, has just broadcasted a thriller about General Prim, whose assassination is still a mistery for historians.

Original title: Prim, el asesinato de la calle del Turco (TV)
Year: 2014
Running Time: 98 min
Country:  Spain
Director: Miguel Bardem
Synopsis / Plot: On the 27th December 1870, a carriage is taking Joan Prim, President of the Council of Ministers, and War Minister, from the Parliament to his residence. On the way he is ambushed, and ten armed men shoot at him. The President manages to arrive home, but 72 hours later dies from his fatal wounds. The story is witnessed by a young writer and journalist, Benito Pérez Galdós, who will research the surrounding circumstances, until he manages to link the various loose ends of the assassination.

Technology makes the difference

Welcome to GRAPHENE

Holocaust Enclyclopaedia

Here it is a useful website to look for information about the Holocaust. It will help you in your project about "MAUS".

Click here: