jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Unit 8. Prehistory

Never trust maps!

Here it's a video showing how it's impossible to represent a sphere (The Earth) on a flat map. So, remember that ALL MAPS LIE!

The First World War in movies

Here are some examples of the IWW in some movies like:

All quiet in the Western Front (Sin novedad en el frente) 1979:

War Horse (Caballo de batalla) 2011:

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

Unit 7. The Catholic Monarchs

Unit 6. The birth of the Modern world

Introduction to the Modern Age

Unit 6. Imperialism

Spanish Renaissance Art

Magellan's Expedition

Watch this video to know more detail's about circumnavigation voyage.

Art Work Commentary Example: David by Michelangelo

Renaissance Art